
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Just another day in paradise

Spent most of the day today analyzing finances, hoping to find some sweet spot that allows us to weather the pandemic and still retire in style, lol. 

Made chive pesto, which didn't turn out as tasty as last year's. Either the olive oil was too cheap or I didn't use enough Parmesan or the chives I picked yesterday weren't fresh enough. Anyway, I made it, so I'll eat it. 

Other than sitting in on the Library board meeting via "zoom" and the usual laundry, dinner, and listening to 1/3 of an audiobook that's about all I did today. 

Oh, planted some chives in between the daffodils. Hopefully that's a good spot since I harvested some volunteers from there over the weekend. 

Daughter says she's started reading the book I wrote and the beginning is too confusing with too many characters. 

Son called the dog a precious angel, so I called son a precious angel and tucked him into bed. 

Watched TV with Matt, drank cocktail,  

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This is where you write something so I know you were here. And where I will sometimes write back.