
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

End of Summer

 I don't have time to write here about everything we did over the summer, so I'm not even going to try. My objective today is figuring out if my A-Z Priorities and Procrastination list is going to work for me. So far today, I've walked dog (with son), scheduled my tax classes for Oct and Nov (this took too long just to set up), some laundry progress, watering plants, soc. media. and made lunch. I am now holed up in a dark room (due to apparently irritating my eye by gardening for hours yesterday after eye appt. dialation. (I planted radishes, carrots, kale, rocket and peas for hopeful fall harvest--although i know it is a little late.) 

Anyway, my objective now is to focus on 1 hour of writing. (and maybe a little extra). 

Here's the issue, with these daily priorities--I'm trying to make sure I do the things I love and need to do, and not let my time get frittered away on unimportant stuff. So I'm trying to block out some writing time every day, but not let everything else slide. However, this is at odds with my preferential way of working, which is to work in projects or blocks, and spend a whole day or two focused on one thing. However, the burnout in between and the somewhat random focus on these projects is leaving a whole lot on the back burner. Also, I should not have abandoned to-do lists, 

The U-verse internet has just dropped again. This continues to be a problem and when my online classes, and kids online classes have started, we need to have a reliable connection. 

The other issue with priorities and lists is that they can sometimes get in the way of spontaneity and joy, and, you know, just plain old wasting time. They are also getting in the way of my writing, because I have this fear that if I start writing, I will either A. waste time staring at screen and not get much done, or B. enjoy myself, find a productive groove, and then spend too much time, get behind on other things, and not write again for a week. 

Both these are just excuses. Time to get to work writing. I can always make a to-do list in one hour from now. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May be almost over

Well, I missed writing here the whole month of May, and I'm not going to reprise everything I did the past 24 or so days. I'll just focus on what I did today, and maybe touch on a few other topics if they come up.

The main accomplishment of today was more gardening. I pulled off most of the plastic covers, and planted a few more sections of the square foot garden. Replanted all the peas, because only two or three plants came up. I've draped some plastic over them now, hope it keeps the birds out, or whatever has been disappearing my pea seeds. Ooh, need to do the same with the beans I planted today, right now. Okay, that's done, and hopefully they haven't yet been robbed by a bird.

Today's sowing was beans, more carrots and radishes, some more lettuce and green onion, and dill. Tried to transplant a couple of turnips into spots that got robbed. They wilted quickly, so not sure if they will take. I still need to complete all the "construction" including deeper boxes for potatoes, poles and fencing for green beans, cucumbers and zucchini and some type of angle ramp for the zucchini to climb towards the upright. Need to string up the pea climbers too.

Watered a bunch of stuff including the annuals, red white and blue flowers I planted in the expanded flower garden area. Flowers look good right now with creeping phlox in full bloom, and irises and peonies (which I split) starting to bud. Looks like dianthus is coming up again, but there are still gaps and holes (literally) in the garden. Lots of same plants I've been splitting, and missing all the things that didn't survive the weather or the animal. Columbine--gone. Yarrow--gone.  Shasta Daisies--gone, Black-eyed Susan, gone before it even started. Irish moss--made it for a while, and then weather took it. The damn woodchuck eats all this stuff. I've surrounded the annuals with two layers of fencing right now, which means of course, they they don't look as nice as they should.

It was blazing hot today, so I probably worked slower than I could have. Back inside, I showered and then cleaned the shower as the mildew went crazy in the heat and while we were gone to the cottage for the weekend.

I do need to make myself an actual to-do list now, for the new few days, and so, goodnight.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Missed May 1st

Trying to do a little bit more writing of what I have accomplished. However, actually accomplishing things takes time, and leaves less time for writing. Yesterday was Friday. I spent the morning researching a compensation issue regarding work, and dealing with personal finances, and then I did a big cleanup in the flower garden area. Still need to dig out the encroaching lilies of the valley. This took most of the afternoon, and was uneventful other than when I disturbed a hibernating toad and bee.

Helped Sarah, who wanted to make "Froggy Bread," so we had rolls and bread with our grilled chicken dinner. After dinner Matt and I prepped the grid for the square foot garden. Then we did a fire in the firepit and had lil smokies, popcorn and marshmallows and lots of deep and frivolous talk with the kids, and stayed up so late I didn't even read before bed.

Today, I did a little more financial planning work in the morning, and then I planted the first round of seeds, lettuce, scallions, brussels sprouts (fingers crossed for better results this year), kale and snap peas (fingers crossed that something doesn't eat these seeds). Labeled everything, covered up the empty spots so they don't get festooned with tree buds, and transplanted half a peony and planted an Easter lily.

Tried using up some of my chive pesto in stuffed mushrooms for dinner. Used very little pesto and ended up with way too much cheese filling, so I had to make a whole plate of hors d oeuvres, which were nice, but the kids did not like. Used the mushroom stems to make mushroom rice, and a grilled pork tenderloin. Strawberries. And Sarah made banana bread for dessert/snack. Once again, a filling day, food-wise. Didn't feel like a lot was accomplished, but Matt brought up all the patio furniture, Sarah cleaned the patio and table, and Robbie did his black belt test via zoom video chat.

The mundane household tasks seem to be expanding to fill the available time, and I definitely do NOT like that. Somehow need to communicate some kind of urgency. Of course kids do not experience this feeling at all, and in fact are experts at finding "something else" they must do, whenever a mundane household task is brought to their attention.

Anyway, we finished watching Ozark tonight, and might try to read some more before bed. At some point, maybe tomorrow, I need to test my replacement mixer. But this is supposed to be for what I HAVE done, not a to-do list. However, without actively working on a to-do list, I seem to lose track of all the minor things to do, like sorting the mail and putting away clutter, and why do these minor things always seem to add up to so much time?

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Definitely Productive at Wasting Time

Ended up down a rabbit hole today planning a summer activity series that I'm sure my family will mock until they don't. Like anything that I start to obsess over, I spent basically the whole morning on it.

The chore chart has yet to make an appearance in the household, because I just cannot even with the teen derision that will greet it. But I am overwhelmingly starting to feel distressed at the idea that we are just going to fritter away our days, with nothing productive accomplished, and nothing memorable to look back on. 

Not that cleaning the kitchen ceiling is memorable, but it does need to be done. 

Anyway, I cooked some lunch, took a walk with dog and son, called my dad (his friend broke her hip), decided it was time to panic buy some meat, which Matt did for me, made dinner including a kale salad from volunteer kale, and fielded dinner complaints. 

Phone call with my sister, organized the pantry while listening to audiobook on hoopla, watched Survivor with the fam, and Riverdale by myself, did a little social media ranting, ate too many snacks and now here we are. 

Oh, yeah right I did laundry and dishes again today. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Just another day in paradise

Spent most of the day today analyzing finances, hoping to find some sweet spot that allows us to weather the pandemic and still retire in style, lol. 

Made chive pesto, which didn't turn out as tasty as last year's. Either the olive oil was too cheap or I didn't use enough Parmesan or the chives I picked yesterday weren't fresh enough. Anyway, I made it, so I'll eat it. 

Other than sitting in on the Library board meeting via "zoom" and the usual laundry, dinner, and listening to 1/3 of an audiobook that's about all I did today. 

Oh, planted some chives in between the daffodils. Hopefully that's a good spot since I harvested some volunteers from there over the weekend. 

Daughter says she's started reading the book I wrote and the beginning is too confusing with too many characters. 

Son called the dog a precious angel, so I called son a precious angel and tucked him into bed. 

Watched TV with Matt, drank cocktail,  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Right on Schedule

Last post, I said about once a year I get motivated. I have a habit of writing about what I'm going to do. Even my journaling is often filled with To Do Lists and big plans. So tonight I'm going to write about what I Actually Do, or what I've done.

I picked a bad day to decide this, unfortunately. Not very productive today, as I had to have medical tests for possible kidney stones, and unpleasant drinking of awful banana flavored solution at 6:30 am that left me somewhat nauseous all day. Then the actual test, which occupied most of the morning, and weird interactions with medical professionals all gowned and masked due to virus pandemic. I'm made to leave the premises and wait in my car, where 2 minutes later the medical man reappears and signals me to open the window. I have to put the key in to do so, and he tells me, "You have to go upstairs first, follow me." So I put the window back up, remove the key, get back out of the car and follow him. It all seems very unnecessary, not sure what is accomplished other than a lot of extra running around and a compliment on my homemade mask.

Post-test, a quick stop at the grocery store for the few things I couldn't get at my Target run last week. Failed to stock up on meat, despite the predictions of soon to come meat shortage, and had to stop at a second store for yeast and flour (still no bread flour).

Back at home, kids have NOT done their chores, despite my reminding them this morning and despite them slacking off on their schoolwork (no one is practicing their music--don't they understand I can easily notice this?) We put away the groceries, and I take a looong shower like I do anytime I have to venture out into the world.

Afterward, I make myself some cheesy toasted pita bread for lunch, and then waste time in a social media debate with someone I unblocked for some weird reason. I read more about the virus, and get frustrated with medical professionals and their lack of success here in Michigan. Check on my finances, and do some laundry, and tidy up around the house. I keep feeling weird stomach sensations and have to sit back down.

Anyway, that's about it for this Monday--other than cooking dinner, including the 5 mini potatoes I found when we prepped the garden boxes yesterday. I worked with Robbie on the garden prep, and had some nice conversation while we pulled out all the old leaves and helicopters. Then he got sick of working and we ended up with a mini-debate on the usefulness of having a garden at all. I admit, our backyard efforts are meager at best (although we did have frozen green beans through the winter). I try to explain to him that it's a good skill to learn how to produce your own food, and he debates back rather sarcastically that, "it's not that hard, I could do it any time I want to."

My response, "if it's not that hard, then what's the big deal about helping us?" only makes him crabbier. The fact that all the work makes my back ache makes ME crabbier.

Anyway, a leisurely and time-wasted Monday, which I'm finishing off with writing time (this counts doesn't it?) and some more laundry and TV before early to bed tonight, with fingers crossed for a better feeling stomach tomorrow.