Let's get this out of the way right now--I am a procrastinator. However, I'm much better at it than I used to be. Over the years, I've developed a better sense of priorities, and a much better sense of how fast I can do a thing when I have absolutely no time.
Priorities are important, because, let's be honest, a lot of the time, the stuff we procrastinate on is stuff we really don't want to do anyway, but somehow, we've convinced ourselves that we should do that thing for some reason. (I say we, but I mean, I. Unless you agree--then, yes, we do that--so glad you understand, my friend!)
The past few years, I got on a productivity kick. Read books like "Atomic Habits," and "Deep Work," and and a few others. Started using a project management app, Asana, to track my to do list, did weekly planning for my life every week. Same old crap I've done since middle school, just with a new style, and slightly more follow-through. This certainly helped me to not forget about things, which I think is in a whole different category from procrastination. Just because you decide to do something later, and then forget to do it later, doesn't mean you procrastinated. Later may have been the exact right time to do the thing, and then, unfortunately, I only remembered it much later. Maybe even too late.
So, planning, organizing, time management, that helped to cut down on the forgotten tasks. However, a side effect of all this organization was that the true procrastinated tasks began to stand out in an embarrassed display, there on my app seven weeks past due. Three months past due. Six months past due.
Yes, these were all arbitrary deadlines for my own self-imposed projects. True, I had supposedly evaluated these things a being important priorities that would improve multiple aspects of my life (certain personal financial planning tasks, and some big overhauls of our personal computers and other technology--pretty sure we are paying for more virus protection than we actually need and why are there so many devices clogging up our Wi-Fi?). In order to motivate myself, I'd reschedule these, and mark, "Rescheduled. And rescheduled 2X. Rescheduled 3X." By the time I got to 4X it was no longer motivating. And that was just the things I really thought I wanted to accomplish. Stuff like "Organize Recipes" and "Learn to play Numb Little Bug on the piano" didn't even make it to the level of getting rescheduled but just lingered in the more than one year overdue category.
Anyway, in the course of my 108 item purge, I found some overlooked Christmas chocolates, which I disposed of in the best possible way, and after eating them decided to clear out a thank you card and stamp to send my brother and his girlfriend, in appreciation for the chocolate, and out of a bit of guilt for not sending any Christmas card or gift their way.
Before I could get it in the mailbox, I misplaced it, which sent me on a full-throttle mission to clean up all the paperwork that had accumulated over the holidays, and once that was done, and no card found, the only thing that was left was some loose printouts of various recipes, stuffed in among the cookbooks.
You know procrastination is often just inertia, and the counterpart of inertia is momentum. Once I started, out came all the cookbooks, and the three ring binder, and the recipe box, and the new unused received free from my local Buy Nothing Facebook group, recipe-specific-binder.
I pretty much figured "Organize Recipes" was never going to get checked off my project app. NEVER. I mean "Organize Family Photos," was a much more likely contender in my obviously misguided opinion of what is actually important to me. However, I powered through for, well, actual hours on a winter Saturday, and got the job done, just in time for tax season, when of course I will not have time to cook.
However, I did organize all the little recipe books that came with various small appliances, and looking through one for a popcorn snack, realized that I had, in the pantry, an unused free sample of nutritional yeast I'd been meaning to try as a popcorn topping. So I made the "HERB Popcorn" recipe, which was DELICIOUS, and got one step closer to getting another item out of my pantry.
Oh, and the thank you card was in my purse all along.